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What is a SID?

What is a SID?

A SID is a SignalWire ID that is used as a security identifier. It is a universally unique alphanumeric string that is generated for all various types of communication aspects that our platform offers. Projects, calls, SMS, recordings, faxes, LAML bins, and nearly all SignalWire components will all be labeled with a unique SID that can be used in our API or for logging/tracking purposes.

When filing a support ticket, you should always include the SID of whatever test is taking place. If messages or calls are failing, providing the SID of a failed message is the fastest way to allow the SignalWire Support team to isolate the technical issue.

Where can I find a SID?

Great question! You can find the SID within your SignalWire Space, or you can see it returned from the API when you make an API call. We will go over some of the different SIDs you might need below.

JSON Response

When you make an API call, you will see a JSON response returned from SignalWire that contains information about the request you just made. For example, if you sent a message using the API, you might see this returned:

"account_sid": "ea108133-d6b3-407c-9536-9fad8a929a6a",
"api_version": "2010-04-01",
"body": "Hello World",
"num_segments": 1,
"num_media": 0,
"date_created": "Mon, 13 Aug 2018 23:08:35 +0000",
"date_sent": null,
"date_updated": "Mon, 13 Aug 2018 23:08:35 +0000",
"direction": "outbound-api",
"error_code": null,
"error_message": null,
"from": "+15551234567",
"price": null,
"price_unit": "USD",
"sid": "b3877c40-da60-4998-90ad-b792e98472af",
"status": "queued",
"to": "+15557654321",
"messaging_service_sid": null,
"uri": "/api/laml/2010-04-01/Accounts/ea108133-d6b3-407c-9536-9fad8a929a6a/Messages/b3877c40-da60-4998-90ad-b792e98472af",
"subresource_uris": {
"media": "/api/laml/2010-04-01/Accounts/ea108133-d6b3-407c-9536-9fad8a929a6a/Messages/b3877c40-da60-4998-90ad-b792e98472af/Media"

Here you can see 2 SIDs, the message SID referred to as sid that identifies the individual message you just sent, and account_sid which refers to your project ID. If you want to keep track of your usage programmatically, making use of the JSON responses returned in conjunction with our APIs is the best way to do so.

Important Note about your Account SID/Project ID

The API documentation requires that you use your Account SID. This actually refers to your Project ID! We kept the Account SID terminology consistent with other popular providers to make transitioning your existing applications to SignalWire a breeze. Your project ID can be found on the Dashboard within your individual project, or within the API tab.

You can find your Project ID, Authorization Token, and Space URL all in one convenient spot in your portal. These three variables are needed to make ANY API call. Click the API tab in your lefthand side navigator to see all three variables in an easily copyable format.

A screenshot of the API tab in a SignalWire Space. Project ID and Space URL are shown. API tokens are organized in a table. All values can be copied with a single click.

SignalWire CXML API SIDs

If you are using our SignalWire CXML APIs, you can find your SIDs all within the handy LaML tab on your sidebar.

LaML Terminology

You will see some sections within your SignalWire Space referred to as LaML. This is our antiquated terminology for our SignalWire CXML APIs. Please note that they refer to the same API!

A screenshot of the options under the Project heading in a SignalWire Space, showing the LaML item.

Once you have clicked the LaML tab, you will see the hub where you can find your call logs, message logs, fax logs, recordings, and more!

A screenshot of the tabs available in the LaML section. They are: Voice, Messaging, Conferences, Queues, Faxes, Recordings, Apps, Bins, and Alerts.

Call SIDs
To find your call SIDs, click the Voice tab. You'll find all your call logs here, so just click the call that you need the SID for. At the top, you'll see either Inbound Call or Outbound API. Directly under that will be your call SID, a long alphanumeric string.

A screenshot of an individual call log within the Voice tab in the LaML section. The call SID is represented underneath the title 'Inbound Call'.

Message SIDs
To find your message SIDs, click the Message tab. You'll find all your message logs here, so just click the one you need the SID for. At the top, you'll see either Inbound Message or Outbound API. Directly under that will be your message SID, a long alphanumeric string.

A screenshot of an individual message. The message SID is shown underneath the title 'Inbound Message'.

Fax SIDs
To find your fax SIDs, click the Faxes tab. You'll find all your fax logs here, so just click the one you need the SID for. At the top, you'll see either Inbound Fax or Outbound API. Directly under that will be your fax SID, a long alphanumeric string.

A screenshot of an individual Fax. The fax SID is shown underneath the title 'Inbound Fax'.

SignalWire Communications API SIDs

If you are using SignalWire's RELAY APIs, you can find your logs in your Space within the *Relay tab on the lefthand sidebar.

A screenshot of the Relay option under the Project heading in the main menu of a SignalWire Space.

Conversation SIDs
Here you will see all of your logs created through the communications API. Click into the specific event that you need the SID for, and you will see Conversation Details at the top. In the ID section below you will find the conversation SID.

A screenshot of the Conversation Details section of an event, showing the conversation SID.