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Use the Datasphere API with curl

SignalWire's new Datasphere API is a custom-built Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) stack empowering developers to upload, manipulate, and retrieve information in the context of a SignalWire application. This guide is a tutorial and reference for using curl to interact with the DataSphere API, covering the following essential topics:

  • Vectorization: Parameters and best practices for optimal "chunking", or splitting text into usable units which are then vectorized and filed in a database.
  • Search: Customizing search queries to finely filter results from vectorized documents, and using jq to parse the API responses for better readability.
  • Management: Listing and deleting documents.


To use this guide, you'll need the following prerequisites:

  • A SignalWire account and Space
  • One or more PDF text documents on a server, or otherwise accessible to the API by URL
  • The jq command-line tool is strongly recommended for readable JSON responses. Install with brew install jq on MacOS, winget install jqlang.jq on Windows, or by following the installation instructions.

In the following examples:

  • <project_id> is a placeholder for your actual Project ID.
  • <token> is a placeholder for your authentication token.
  • <space_name> is a placeholder for your Space name.

Replace these placeholders with your actual details.

Vectorize documents

The first step in working with information in Datasphere is to upload (or "vectorize") a document. To do so, specify a chunking strategy, and chunk parameters as needed. The following examples show how to use the available chunking strategies with curl requests.

Readable JSON

Each example below uses the jq command-line tool to format the JSON response. This makes it easier to extract important details like document_id. Refer to this guide's Prerequisites for details and installation instructions.

Sentence chunking

The Sentence chunking strategy splits the document into sentence-sized pieces.

max_sentences_per_chunk1NumberMaximum number of sentences per chunk.
split_newlinesfalseBooleanWhether to split chunks on new lines.

The following example uses sentence chunking to split a document into individual sentences. Setting max_sentences_per_chunk to 3 restricts each chunk to a maximum of 3 sentences, while setting split_newlines to true causes chunks to split at new lines.

curl -L -X POST https://<space_name> \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-u <project_id>:<token> \
-d '{
"url": "",
"chunking_strategy": "sentence",
"max_sentences_per_chunk": 3, # Cap chunks at three sentences
"split_newlines": true, # Split chunks on new lines
"tags": [
}' | jq '.'

Sliding chunking

This chunking strategy splits a document into overlapping sections of a specified word length.

chunk_size50NumberNumber of words per chunk.
overlap_size10NumberAmount of overlap between chunks, in number of words.

The size of each chunk is set using chunk_size in words - in this case, 50. overlap_size sets the number of words to overlap between chunks. An overlap of 10 means that the last 10 words in one chunk will repeat at the start of the next.

curl -L -X POST https://<space_name> \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-u <project_id>:<token> \
-d '{
"url": "",
"chunking_strategy": "sliding",
"chunk_size": 50, # Set chunk size to 50 words
"overlap_size": 10, # Chunks will overlap by 10 words
"tags": [
}' | jq '.'

Paragraph and page chunking

This example uses the paragraph chunking strategy to split a document into chunks by paragraph. Note that no chunk parameters are needed for paragraph and page chunking strategies.

curl -L -X POST https://<space_name> \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-u <project_id>:<token> \
-d '{
"url": "",
"chunking_strategy": "paragraph", # No chunk parameters required for paragraph or page
"tags": [
}' | jq '.'
Can I see your ID

After vectorizing a document with a command like the above examples, make note of the document_id field returned in the JSON response. You will use this ID in the subsequent commands to reference this specific document.

Use customizable queries to perform searches within a document vectorized in Datasphere. The options described in this section allow you to filter results by tags, set proximity distances for better relevance, limit result counts, and adjust language settings.

Here are the available search options:

  1. document_id (optional):
    The document_id is the ID of the specific document you want to search within. If left blank, the search can be performed across all documents.
    Example: "document_id": "ea6faa03-dd09-4cca-a5be-61d535ec4c1e"

  2. query_string (required):
    This is the search query string that you want to search for in the document. It is a required field.
    Example: "query_string": "How do I make a screwdriver?"

  3. tags (optional):
    You can specify tags to limit the search to documents that are associated with these tags. The tags should be an array of strings.
    Example: "tags": ["Drinks", "Bar"]

  4. distance (optional):
    This option specifies how "distant" the search results can be from your query in terms of similarity or relevance. The value must be between 0.0 and 78.3836717690617, where a lower value is more restrictive, and a higher value allows more flexible matching.
    Example: "distance": 15.0"

  5. count (optional):
    The maximum number of search results you want to return. This should be an integer greater than 0.
    Example: "count": 3"

  6. language (optional, default: "en"):
    This specifies the language of the document content you're searching in. The default is "en" (English).
    Example: "language": "en"

  7. pos_to_expand (optional, default: %w[NOUN VERB ADJ ADV]):
    This specifies which parts of speech (POS) should be expanded when searching for synonyms. The default values are NOUN, VERB, ADJ, and ADV, which correspond to nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.
    Example: "pos_to_expand": ["NOUN", "VERB"]

  8. max_synonyms (optional, default: 10):
    This option sets the maximum number of synonyms that should be considered during the search. The default is 10.
    Example: "max_synonyms": 5"

Custom search query example

The following sample query uses all available search options to filter returned items.

  • document_id: The document where the search will be conducted. Replace <your-document-id> with the actual document_id.
  • query_string: The search query for "How do I make a screwdriver?"
  • tags: Only documents tagged with "Drinks" and "Bar" will be searched.
  • distance: A distance of 15.0 will allow moderate flexibility in matching search results.
  • count: The search will return a maximum of 3 results.
  • language: The search is limited to documents in English ("en").
  • pos_to_expand: Synonym expansion will only happen for nouns and verbs.
  • max_synonyms: A maximum of 5 synonyms will be used for each word in the query.

Here’s how to use these options in your curl command to perform a search:

curl -L -X POST https://<space_name> \
-u <project_id>:<token> \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
--data '{
"document_id": "<your-document-id>",
"query_string": "How do I make a screw driver?",
"tags": ["Drinks", "Bar"],
"distance": 15.0,
"count": 3,
"language": "en",
"pos_to_expand": ["NOUN", "VERB"],
"max_synonyms": 5

Manage documents

Review and delete uploaded documents using the following commands.


Retrieve a list of all documents uploaded to DataSphere using this command. This can help track your documents and find their document_id.

curl -L -X GET https://<space_name>

/api/datasphere/documents \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-u <project_id>:<token> | jq '.'


If you no longer need a document in DataSphere, you can delete it using its document_id.


This request permanently removes the document linked to the specified document_id from Datasphere.

curl -L -X DELETE https://<space_name><your-document-id> \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-u <project_id>:<token>


  1. Upload a Document: Use the POST method to upload and vectorize a document, selecting a chunking strategy (page, sentence, paragraph, or sliding) and specifying chunk parameters as needed.
  2. Search a Document: Use the document_id to search specific documents with a query string and use additional search options such as tags, distance, and part-of-speech expansion.
  3. List Documents: Retrieve a list of all uploaded documents and find their document_id or other metadata.
  4. Delete a Document: Remove a document using its document_id if it’s no longer needed.

These steps allow you to interact with the DataSphere API effectively, utilizing flexible chunking strategies for document processing and advanced search options for relevance. Using jq helps you parse the JSON responses and easily retrieve important information. Make sure to replace placeholders like <project_id>, <token>, <space_name>, and <document_id> with actual values when running the commands.