Error Codes
When using SignalWire REST APIs, some errors will include error codes. Below, you will find a list of our unique error codes and a short explanation of each to help with error handling and troubleshooting.
Error Code | Message |
invalid_parameter | This list contains an invalid entry. |
missing_required_parameter | A required parameter is missing from the request. Please refer to the technical reference for a complete list of parameters. |
value_not_unique | This value must be unique. |
boolean_required | This value must be a true or false boolean. |
datetime_required | This value must be a DateTime. |
http_url_required | This value must be an HTTP or HTTPS URL. |
list_of_strings_required | This must be an array of strings only. |
alphanumeric_required | This value must be alphanumeric. |
incompatible_parameters | The parameters that were input cannot be specified together. |
related_parameter_required | This parameter must be used in combination with its related parameter. See the reference for a complete list of available parameters. |
not_available_for_assignment | This can not be assigned to the current target. |
already_assigned | This has already been assigned. |
invalid_for_type | This is not valid for the current type. |
feature_not_available | This feature is not available to this account. |
insufficient_balance | This account has an insufficient balance. |
account_limit_exceeded | This account has reached its limit. It must be upgraded to perform this action. |
rate_limit_exceeded | The rate limit has been exceeded. |
invalid_number_format | The phone number is not in the correct format. Please use E.164 format, i.e., +15558675309. |
number_not_supported | The phone number is not supported. |
number_not_verified | 'From' phone number not verified. |
number_blacklisted | The phone number is blacklisted. |
invalid_media_url | The media URL provided is invalid. |
media_url_required | A media URL is required. |
invalid_media_type | The media type provided is invalid. |
media_size_exceeds_limit | The media size exceeds the allowed limit. |
message_body_required | The message body is required. |
invalid_message_body | The message body provided is invalid. |
message_length_exceeds_limit | The message length exceeds the allowed limit. |
invalid_destination_number | The destination phone number is invalid. |
destination_number_not_supported | The destination phone number is not supported. |
invalid_campaign_id | The campaign ID provided is invalid. |
invalid_campaign_status | The campaign status is invalid. |
campaign_limit_exceeded | The campaign limit has been exceeded. |
campaign_not_found | The campaign ID provided could not be found. |
invalid_auth_token_permissions | Permissions list contains invalid selections. Valid permissions are calling, chat, fax, management, messaging, numbers, pubsub, storage, tasking, and video. |
invalid_subproject_id | The subproject ID passed could not be found or does not belong to the project being used to authenticate the request. |
already_verified | This number is already verified. |
unsupported_region | This number must be from an allowed region. |
purchased_too_recently | This number was purchased too recently to release. Please wait 14 days after purchase to release this number or 30 days if your account is in trial mode. Contact Support for further assistance. |
does_not_exist | This entry does not exist. |
unsupported_mode | This mode is not supported on this number. |
invalid_state | The object is not in the correct state for this action. |
not_a_valid_json | This value must be valid JSON. |
upload_error | There was an error while uploading the file. Please try again. |
file_size_limit_exceeded | The file size is too big. |
no_channel_specified | You must specify a channel. |
cannot_remove_assignment_from_integration_test | You cannot remove the assignment from an integration test campaign. |
auto_top_up_deactivated | Auto top-up is not active on this account. |
invalid_object | This object is invalid. Refer to the error message for more details. |
exceeds_platform_stream_limit | Adding an additional stream would exceed the allowed number of streams per room. |
invalid_auth_token_permissions | Permissions list contains invalid selections. Valid permissions are calling, chat, fax, management, messaging, numbers, pubsub, storage, tasking, and video. |
invalid_subproject_id | The subproject ID passed could not be found or does not belong to the project being used to authenticate the request. |
must_belong_to_project | The requested resource must belong to the project being used to authenticate the request. |
no_installed_applications | Fabric Application must be installed in this project. |