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Establishes the initial set of instructions and settings to configure the agent.

promptRequiredobject-An object that accepts the prompt parameters.

prompt Parameters

textRequiredstring-The instructions to send to the agent.
contextsOptionalobject-An object that defines the contexts for the AI. The contexts are used to define the flow of the conversation. Every context object requires a default key, which is the default context that's used at the beginning of the conversation. Additionally, more contexts can be defined as any other key in the object.
temperatureOptionalnumber1.0Randomness setting. Float value between 0.0 and 1.5. Closer to 0 will make the output less random.
top_pOptionalnumber1.0Randomness setting. Alternative to temperature. Float value between 0.0 and 1.0. Closer to 0 will make the output less random.
confidenceOptionalnumber0.6Threshold to fire a speech-detect event at the end of the utterance. Float value between 0.0 and 1.0. Decreasing this value will reduce the pause after the user speaks, but may introduce false positives.
presence_penaltyOptionalnumber0Aversion to staying on topic. Float value between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values increase the model's likelihood to talk about new topics.
frequency_penaltyOptionalnumber0Aversion to repeating lines. Float value between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values decrease the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim.

Variable Expansion

Use the following syntax to expand variables into your prompt.

%{call_direction}Inbound or outbound.
%{caller_id_number}The caller ID number.
%{local_date}The local date.
%{spoken_date}The spoken date.
%{local_time}The local time.
%{time_of_day}The time of day.
%{supported_languages}A list of supported languages.
%{default_language}The default language.