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textOptionalstringThe instructions to send to the agent.
temperatureOptionalnumber1.0Randomness setting. Float value between 0.0 and 1.5. Closer to 0 will make the output less random.
top_pOptionalnumber1.0Randomness setting. Alternative to temperature. Float value between 0.0 and 1.0. Closer to 0 will make the output less random.
confidenceOptionalnumber0.6Threshold to fire a speech-detect event at the end of the utterance. Float value between 0.0 and 1.0. Decreasing this value will reduce the pause after the user speaks, but may introduce false positives.
presence_penaltyOptionalnumber0Aversion to staying on topic. Float value between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values increase the model's likelihood to talk about new topics.
frequency_penaltyOptionalnumber0Aversion to repeating lines. Float value between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values decrease the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim.

Request Parameters for post_prompt_url

SignalWire will make a request to the post_prompt_url with the following parameters:

actionstringAction that prompted this request. The value will be "post_conversation".
ai_end_dateintegerTimestamp indicating when the AI session ended.
ai_session_idstringA unique identifier for the AI session.
ai_start_dateintegerTimestamp indicating when the AI session started.
app_namestringName of the application that originated the request.
call_answer_dateintegerTimestamp indicating when the call was answered.
call_end_dateintegerTimestamp indicating when the call ended.
call_idstringID of the call.
call_logobjectThe complete log of the call, as a JSON object.
call_log.contentstringContent of the call log entry.
call_log.rolestringRole associated with the call log entry (e.g., "system", "assistant", "user").
call_start_dateintegerTimestamp indicating when the call started.
caller_id_namestringName associated with the caller ID.
caller_id_numberstringNumber associated with the caller ID.
content_dispositionstringDisposition of the content.
content_typestringType of content. The value will be text/swaig.
post_prompt_dataobjectThe answer from the AI agent to the post_prompt. The object contains the three following fields.
post_prompt_data.parsedobjectIf a JSON object is detected within the answer, it is parsed and provided here.
post_prompt_data.rawstringThe raw data answer from the AI agent.
post_prompt_data.substitutedstringThe answer from the AI agent, excluding any JSON.
project_idstringID of the Project.
space_idstringID of the Space.
SWMLVarsobjectA collection of variables related to SWML.
swaig_logobjectA log related to SWAIG functions.
total_input_tokensintegerRepresents the total number of input tokens.
total_output_tokensintegerRepresents the total number of output tokens.
versionstringVersion number.

Post Prompt Callback Request Example

Below is a json example of the callback request that is sent to the post_prompt_url:

"total_output_tokens": 119,
"caller_id_name": "[CALLER_NAME]",
"SWMLVars": {
"ai_result": "success",
"answer_result": "success"
"call_start_date": 1694541295773508,
"project_id": "[PROJECT_ID]",
"call_log": [
"role": "system"
"content": "[AI RESPONSE]",
"role": "assistant"
"content": "[USER RESPONSE]",
"role": "user"
"ai_start_date": 1694541297950440,
"call_answer_date": 1694541296799504,
"version": "2.0",
"content_disposition": "Conversation Log",
"conversation_id": "[CONVERSATION_ID]",
"space_id": "[SPACE_ID]",
"app_name": "swml app",
"swaig_log": [
"post_data": {
"content_disposition": "SWAIG Function",
"conversation_id": "[CONVERSATION_ID]",
"space_id": "[SPACE_ID]",
"meta_data_token": "[META_DATA_TOKEN]",
"app_name": "swml app",
"meta_data": {},
"argument": {
"raw": "{\n \"target\": \"[TRANSFER_TARGET]\"\n}",
"substituted": "",
"parsed": [
"target": "[TRANSFER_TARGET]"
"call_id": "[CALL_ID]",
"content_type": "text/swaig",
"ai_session_id": "[AI_SESSION_ID]",
"caller_id_num": "[CALLER_NUMBER]",
"caller_id_name": "[CALLER_NAME]",
"project_id": "[PROJECT_ID]",
"purpose": "Use to transfer to a target",
"argument_desc": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"target": {
"description": "the target to transfer to",
"type": "string"
"function": "transfer",
"version": "2.0"
"command_name": "transfer",
"epoch_time": 1694541334,
"command_arg": "{\n \"target\": \"[TRANSFER_TARGET]\"\n}",
"url": "",
"post_response": {
"action": [
"say": "This is a say message!"
"SWML": {
"sections": {
"main": [
"connect": {
"to": "+1XXXXXXXXXX"
"version": "1.0.0"
"stop": true
"response": "transferred to [TRANSFER_TARGET], the call has ended"
"total_input_tokens": 5627,
"caller_id_num": "[CALLER_NUMBER]",
"call_id": "[CALL_ID]",
"call_end_date": 1694541335435503,
"content_type": "text/swaig",
"action": "post_conversation",
"post_prompt_data": {
"parsed": [],
"ai_end_date": 1694541335425164,
"ai_session_id": "[AI_SESSION_ID]"

Responding to Post Prompt Requests

The response to the callback request should be a JSON object with the following parameters:

"response": "ok"