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Start a live translation session.


webhook Optionalstring-The webhook URI to be called.
from_lang RequiredstringenThe language to translate from.
Learn more about our supported Voices & Languages here.
to_lang RequiredstringenThe language to translate to.
Learn more about our supported Voices & Languages here.
from_voice Optionalstringelevenlabs.joshThe TTS voice you want to use for the source language.
Learn more about our supported Voices & Languages here.
to_voice Optionalstringelevenlabs.joshThe TTS voice you want to use for the target language.
Learn more about our supported Voices & Languages here.
live_events OptionalbooleanfalseWhether to enable live events.
ai_summary OptionalbooleanfalseWhether to enable AI summarization.
speech_timeout Optionalinteger-The timeout for speech recognition.
vad_silence_ms Optionalinteger-Voice activity detection silence time in milliseconds.
vad_thresh Optionalinteger-Voice activity detection threshold.
debug_level Optionalinteger0Debug level for logging.
direction Required[]local-callerThe direction of the call that should be translated.
Possible Values: [remote-caller, local-caller]
speech_engine Optionalstring-The speech engine to be used.
summary_prompt Optionalstring-The prompt for summarization.


webhook: ''
from_lang: en
to_lang: es
from_voice: en-US
to_voice: es-ES
live_events: true
ai_summary: false
speech_timeout: 30
vad_silence_ms: 500
vad_thresh: 0.6
debug_level: 2
- remote-caller
- local-caller
speech_engine: default
summary_prompt: Summarize this conversation