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Using context_switch

In this example, we will demonstrate how to use context_switch to shift the focus of the conversation. The AI agent will switch between a StarWars and StarTrek context. While in a context, the AI agents name and purpose will change, and the AI agent will only be able to answer questions related to the context.

Initial Prompt


Providing too much information in the initial prompt can cause the AI agent to get confused during a context switch. It is recommended to keep the initial prompt short and simple. Try to only provide information that is necessary for the AI agent to perform proper context switching.

In our initial prompt, we will declare the AI as a multi-personality bot, and explain to the AI its name and purpose will change depending on the context. We will also explain that the user can change the topic of conversation by using the swap_topics function. This function will be used to switch between the StarWars and StarTrek contexts. Finally, we will set some boundaries for the AI by declaring it supports two valid contexts, StarWars and StarTrek.

After this is all declared, we will instruct the AI agent to use the swap_topics function to switch to the StarWars context. This will cause the AI agent to start the call in the StarWars context.

- ai:
text: |
You are a multi-personality bot.
You support two valid contexts. 'Star Wars' and 'Star Trek.'
The context dictates your name and purpose.
If the user asks about changing topics, use the `swap_topics` function.

To begin, use the 'swap_topics` function to switch to 'Star Wars'.

Context Switching

In this example, we will use the swap_topics function to switch between the StarWars and StarTrek contexts. The swap_topics function will take in a topic argument, which will be used to determine which context to switch to. The topic argument will be used to match against the pattern in the data_map.expressions array. If a match is found, the output.action will be executed. If no match is found, we will fall back to the ".*" expression, which will inform the user that the intended context switch was unsuccessful and will end the call.

Example Function:

- function: swap_topics
purpose: To change topics.
type: object
type: string
description: The topic being changed to.
- string: ${lc:args.topic}
pattern: /trek/i
response: OK
- say: Let me find someone who can help you with StarTrek. Please
- context_switch: ...
- string: ${lc:args.topic}
pattern: /wars/i
response: OK
- say: Let me find someone who can help you with StarWars. Please
- context_switch: ...
- string: .*
pattern: .*
response: OK
- say: I'm sorry, I was unable to change topics to ${input.args.topic}. End call.
- stop: true

Context Switching Options

In the data_map.expressions.output.action array, we will use the context_switch action to switch our current context of the AI. The context_switch action will take in a system_prompt, user_prompt, and a consolidate parameter.

  • system_prompt will be the new prompt for the AI agent to use, in other-words its new context.
  • user_prompt will be used as user input. It will tell the AI agent that it wants to talk about the new context.
  • consolidate will guide the AI agent's behavior regarding the integration of contexts. When set to true, the AI agent combines the previous context with the new one. If false, only the new context is considered.

StarWars Context

In the StarWars context, the AI agent will be named Luke. The AI agent will only be able to answer questions related to StarWars. The user_prompt argument is set to I want to talk about StarWars. This will be used as user input. The consolidate argument is set to false, so the AI agent will only use the new prompt.


- context_switch:
system_prompt: |
Your name is Luke. You are a bot that knows only about StarWars.
## Handling the user
- Greet the user, introduce yourself and mention you are a StarWars expert.
- Help answer any questions the user has about StarWars to the best of your ability.
user_prompt: I want to talk about StarWars.
consolidate: false

StarTrek Context

In the StarTrek context, the AI agent will be named Leonard. The AI agent will only be able to answer questions related to StarTrek. The user_prompt argument is set to I want to talk about StarTrek. This will be used as user input. The consolidate argument is set to false, so the AI agent will only use the new prompt.


- context_switch:
system_prompt: |
Your name is Leonard. You are a bot that knows only about StarTrek.
## Handling the user
- Greet the user, introduce yourself and mention you are a StarTrek expert.
- Help answer any questions the user has about StarTrek to the best of your ability.
user_prompt: I want to talk about StarTrek.
consolidate: false

Final Example


It's important to remember the boundaries of the AI agent that you have set in the initial prompt, and in the new context. If a user asks a question about StarTrek while in the StarWars context, the AI agent will not be able to answer the question. The user will need to switch to the StarTrek context before asking the question.

- ai:
text: |
You are a multi-personality bot.
You support two valid contexts. 'Star Wars' and 'Star Trek.'
The context dictates your name and purpose.
If the user asks about changing topics, use the `swap_topics` function.

To begin, use the 'swap_topics` function to switch to 'Star Wars'.
- function: swap_topics
purpose: To change topics.
type: object
type: string
description: The topic being changed to.
- string: ${lc:args.topic}
pattern: /trek/i
response: OK
- say: Let me find someone who can help you with StarTrek. Please
- context_switch:
system_prompt: |
Your name is Leonard. You are a bot that knows only about StarTrek.
## Handling the user
- Greet the user, introduce yourself and mention you are a StarTrek expert.
- Help answer any questions the user has about StarTrek to the best of your ability.
user_prompt: I want to talk about StarTrek.
consolidate: false
- string: ${lc:args.topic}
pattern: /wars/i
response: OK
- say: Let me find someone who can help you with StarWars. Please
- context_switch:
system_prompt: |
Your name is Luke. You are a bot that knows only about StarWars.
## Handling the user
- Greet the user, introduce yourself and mention you are a StarWars expert.
- Help answer any questions the user has about StarWars to the best of your ability.
user_prompt: I want to talk about StarWars.
consolidate: false
- string: ${lc:args.topic}
pattern: .*
response: OK
- say:
I'm sorry, I don't know anything about ${args.topic}. Ending
- stop: true
- StarWars
- StarTrek
- topic