Campaign Registry (Beta)
📄️ Create a Brand
You can register your brand with The Campaign Registry by sending a
📄️ List all Brands.
Returns a list of your Brands. The brands are returned sorted by
📄️ Retrieve a Brand
Retrieves the details of a Brand that has been previously created. Use
📄️ List all Campaigns
Returns a list of the campaigns for a brand. The campaigns are
📄️ Create a Campaign
A Campaign belongs to a Brand.
📄️ Retrieve a Campaign
Retrieves the details of a Campaign that has been previously created.
📄️ Update a Campaign
Allows updating the friendly name associated with a campaign
📄️ List all Phone Number Assignments
Returns a list of the phone number assignments for a campaign. The
📄️ List all Phone Number Assignment Orders
Returns a list of the phone number assignment orders for a campaign.
📄️ Create a Phone Number Assignment Order
To create a new Phone Number Assignment Order, you send a `POST` request
📄️ Retrieve a Phone Number Assignment Order
Returns a phone number assignment order.
📄️ Delete a Phone Number Assignment
Permanently deletes a phone number assignment. It cannot be undone.