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Retrieve a Recording.



Retrieve a single recording media or its metadata.

Access to recording files with a direct URL is useful because they are public and do not require Basic Auth. This allows external applications to embed recording URLs without exposing their SignalWire API credentials. SignalWire recording URLs are long and random, making them difficult to guess or exploit unless you reveal the URL.

Retrieve WAV file

When a recording URI has no extension or a .wav extension, the request will return a binary WAV version of the recording file.



Retrieve MP3 file

Setting an extension of ".mp3" on the URI returns a binary MP3 version of the recording. For example:


Retrieve Metadata

A recording's metadata, such as duration, cost, time, can be returned by setting the Recording URI's extension to .json. For example:



The API token must include the following scopes: Voice.


Path Parameters

    AccountSid uuidrequired

    The unique identifier for the account that is associated with this recording.

    Sid uuidrequired

    The unique identifier for the recording.




    account_sid uuid

    The unique identifier for the account that is associated with this recording.

    api_version string

    The version of the SignalWire API.

    call_sid string

    The unique identifier for the call that is associated with this recording.

    conference_sid string

    The unique identifier for the conference that is associated with this recording.

    channels integer

    Possible values: [1, 2]

    The number of channels in a recording. Possible values are 1 or 2.

    date_created string

    The date, in RFC 2822 format, this recording was created.

    date_updated string

    The date, in RFC 2822 format, this recording was updated.

    end_time string

    The time, in RFC 2822 format, this recording endded.

    price string

    The cost for the recording.

    price_unit string

    The currency of the price of the recording.

    duration string

    The length, in seconds, of the recording.

    sid string

    The unique identifier for the recording.

    source string

    Possible values: [DialVerb, Conference, OutBoundApi, Trunking, RecordVerb, StartCallRecordingApi, StartConferenceRecording]

    How the recording was made.

    status string

    Possible values: [paused, in-progress, stopped]

    The status of the recording.

    error_code string

    Further details about a failed recording.

    uri string

    The URI of the recording.



    Subresource URIs

    transcriptions string