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Retrieve a Media.



Retrieve a single media.


The API token must include the following scopes: Messaging.


Path Parameters

    AccountSid uuidrequired

    The unique identifier of the project that sent or received this message.

    MessageSid uuidrequired

    A unique ID that identifies this specific message.

    Sid uuidrequired

    A unique identifier for this media resource.




    sid string

    A unique identifier for this media resource.

    date_created string

    The date and time the message was sent in RFC 2822 format.

    date_updated string

    The date and time the message was sent in RFC 2822 format.

    account_sid uuid

    The unique identifier of the project that sent or received this message.

    parent_sid boolean

    The unique identifier of the resource that created this media resource.

    content_type string

    The mime-type of the media file, for example image/gif.

    uri string

    The URI for this resource, relative to your base URL.
