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Create an Incoming Phone Number



Create an Incoming Phone Number.


The API token must include the following scopes: Numbers.


Path Parameters

    AccountSid uuidrequired

    The unique identifier for the account that is associated with this phone number.


    AreaCode stringrequired

    The area code of your new number. A new number within this area code will be generated for you. Area code is necessary if phone number is not present.

    PhoneNumber stringrequired

    The incoming number in E.164 format.

    AddressSid string

    The unique identifier for the address associated with this phone number.

    FriendlyName string

    A formatted version of the number.

    IdentitySid string

    The unique identifier for the identity associated with this phone number.

    SmsApplicationSid string

    The unique identifier for the application associated with SMS handling on this phone number. If SmsApplicationSid is present, the URLs on the application will be used and all other URLs will be ignored.

    SmsFallbackMethod string

    Possible values: [GET, POST]

    Whether the request to SmsFallbackUrl is a GET or a POST. Default is POST.

    SmsFallbackUrl string

    The URL to request if errors occur when fetching SmsUrl.

    SmsMethod string

    Possible values: [GET, POST]

    Whether the request to SmsUrl is a GET or a POST. Default is POST.

    SmsUrl string

    The URL to request when an incoming SMS is received.

    StatusCallback string

    The URL to request to pass status updates to.

    StatusCallbackMethod string

    Possible values: [GET, POST]

    Whether the request to StatusCallback is a GET or a POST. Default is POST.

    TrunkSid string

    The unique identifier for the Trunk associated with this phone number.

    VoiceApplicationSid string

    The unique identifier for the application associated with call handling on this phone number. If VoiceApplicationSid is present, the URLs on the application will be used and all other URLs will be ignored.

    VoiceCallerIdLookup boolean

    Whether or not to look up a caller's name in the database.

    VoiceFallbackMethod string

    Possible values: [GET, POST]

    Whether the request to VoiceFallbackUrl is a GET or a POST. Default is POST.

    VoiceFallbackUrl string

    The URL to request if errors occur when fetching Url.

    VoiceMethod string

    Possible values: [GET, POST]

    Whether the request to Url is a GET or a POST. Default is POST.

    VoiceReceiveMode string

    Possible values: [voice, fax]

    Whether this number can receive calls or fax. Possible values are voice or fax. Default is voice.

    VoiceUrl string

    The URL to request when an incoming call is received.




    account_sid uuid

    The unique identifier for the account that is associated with this phone number.

    address_requirements string

    Possible values: [none, any, local, foreign]

    Whether or not a registered address with SignalWire is required.

    address_sid string

    The unique identifier for the address associated with this phone number.

    api_version string

    The version of the SignalWire API.

    beta boolean

    New numbers on SignalWire are marked as beta.



    Whether or not a number can receive calls and messages.

    Voice boolean
    SMS boolean
    MMS boolean
    Fax boolean
    date_created string

    The date, in RFC 2822 format, this phone number was created.

    date_updated string

    The date, in RFC 2822 format, this phone number was updated.

    emergency_address_sid string

    The unique identifier of the address associated with E911 for this phone number.

    emergency_status string

    Possible values: [active, inactive]

    Whether the phone route has an active E911 address associated.

    friendly_name string

    A formatted version of the number.

    identity_sid string

    The unique identifier for the identity associated with this phone number.

    origin string

    Possible values: [signalwire, hosted]

    The origin of the phone number. SignalWire numbers are denoted as signalwire while hosted numbers are denoted as hosted.

    phone_number string

    The incoming number in E.164 format.

    sid string

    The unique identifier for this phone number.

    sms_application_sid string

    The unique identifier for the application associated with SMS handling on this phone number. If SmsApplicationSid is present, the URLs on the application will be used and all other URLs will be ignored.

    sms_fallback_method string

    Possible values: [GET, POST]

    Whether the request to SmsFallbackUrl is a GET or a POST. Default is POST.

    sms_fallback_url string

    The URL to request if errors occur when fetching SmsUrl.

    sms_method string

    Possible values: [GET, POST]

    Whether the request to SmsUrl is a GET or a POST. Default is POST.

    sms_url string

    The URL to request when an incoming SMS is received.

    status_callback string

    The URL to request to pass status updates to.

    status_callback_method string

    Possible values: [GET, POST]

    Whether the request to StatusCallback is a GET or a POST. Default is POST.

    trunk_sid string

    The unique identifier for the Trunk associated with this phone number.

    uri string

    The URI for this number.

    voice_application_sid string

    The unique identifier for the application associated with call handling on this phone number. If VoiceApplicationSid is present, the URLs on the application will be used and all other URLs will be ignored.

    voice_caller_id_lookup boolean

    Whether or not to look up a caller's name in the database.

    voice_fallback_method string

    Possible values: [GET, POST]

    Whether the request to VoiceFallbackUrl is a GET or a POST. Default is POST.

    voice_fallback_url string

    The URL to request if errors occur when fetching Url.

    voice_method string

    Possible values: [GET, POST]

    Whether the request to Url is a GET or a POST. Default is POST.

    voice_url string

    The URL to request when an incoming call is received.
