Flite (aka Festival Lite) is a small embeddable TTS (Text to Speech) engine that's totally free.
Works on FreeBSD, Mac, Linux and Windows.
Don't load mod_cepstral and mod_flite at the same time. (symbol collision).
Voices are 16khz, and are:
- slt (female voice)
- rms (male voice)
- awb (male voice)
- kal (male voice)
Installing mod_flite
In modules.conf:
- Uncomment asr_tts/mod_flite;
Edit the modules.conf at the top level of your src directory and NOT to be confused with the freeswitch/conf/modules.conf.xml file which you will also have to edit later - see below). This installation has been written assuming that you are going to be compiling this module.
Comment out asr_tts/mod_cepstral from the same file. Both modules cannot be used together.
- Run make, make install.
In freeswitch/conf/autoload_configs/modules.conf.xml:
- Uncomment <load module="mod_flite"/>
- Comment out <load module="mod_cepstral"/>
Using mod_flite
<extension name="flite">
<condition field="destination_number" expression="^9886$">
<action application="set" data="tts_engine=flite"/>
<action application="set" data="tts_voice=kal"/>
<action application="speak" data="This is flite on FreeSWITCH"/>
To set volume at your desired level:
<action application="set_audio_level" data="write 4"/>
<action application="set_audio_level" data="read 4"/>
write for output audio stream and read for incoming audio stream. read and write can take integral values from 4 to -4