Skypopen Directory
Skypopen Directory
Click here to expand Table of Contents
- 1 Disclaimer
- 2 Skypopen Directory configuration example
- 2.1 Dialplan
- 2.2 Perl Script
- 2.3 Bonus: python version
Please keep in mind that this script does not provide any authentication. If you intend on using it as a DISA route, you should probably add PIN protection to the script or dialplan.
Skypopen Directory configuration example
his example has two components:
- The XML dialplan
Used to launch the directory, and dial out. - The Perl script
The actual directory 'meat'.
This script relies on your FreeSWITCH installation to have the following working modules:
- mod_perl
- mod_skypopen
- mod_flite
- mod_dialplan_xml
You may substitute mod_flite and mod_dialplan_xml and update your script where appropriate.
I have this in 'dialplan/local/skype.xml'
Dialplan Expand source
<extension name="skypeDir">
<condition field="destination_number" expression="^1024$">
<action application="perl" data=""/>
<extension name="skypeDirDial">
<condition field="destination_number" expression="^skypeDirDial$">
<action application="set" data="instant_ringback=true"/>
<action application="set" data="ringback=${us-ring}"/>
<action application="set" data="transfer_ringback=${us-ring}"/>
<action application="set" data="call_timeout=30"/>
<action application="set" data="hangup_after_bridge=true"/>
<action application="bridge" data="skypopen/skype1/${destuser}"/>
Perl Script
I place this in 'scripts/' Expand source
# - skype directory example
# by daniel o'neill (
my $api = new freeswitch::API;
my $e = new freeswitch::EventConsumer("custom", "skypopen::incoming_raw");
my $c = 0; # incremented, counter used to correlate skypopen API responses to their requests
my $timeoutcheck = 30000; # time to wait for the user to dial an extension, in milliseconds.
my $interface = 'skype1'; # the skype interface to dial-out on.
# you could also use 'ANY', or read this from $session->getVariable() and specify it in your dialplan.
my $dp_context = 'local'; # or, more commonly, 'default'
my $dp_extension = 'skypeDirDial'; # as located in the dialplan context
my $dp_format = 'XML'; # or perhaps 'YAML'
# TTS engine to use.
# You could also use Cepstral, for example
$session->set_tts_parms("flite", "slt"); # awb, kal, rms or slt
# $session->set_tts_parms("cepstral", "Amy");
freeswitch::consoleLog( "info", "Entering directory.\n" );
$friendList = getFriends( $e ); # this is actually pretty fast
# Gather our contacts
my $contacts;
my $d = 0; # 'online' or 'away' counter
foreach my $a(@{ $friendList }) {
$contacts->{$a}->{'username'} = $a;
$contacts->{$a}->{'status'} = getStatus( $e, $a ); # for less than 100, this is fairly quick also.
if( $contacts->{$a}->{'status'} eq 'ONLINE'
|| $contacts->{$a}->{'status'} eq 'AWAY' ) {
$contacts->{$a}->{'available'} = 1;
# if < 10 contacts online, user may dial 1 through 9
my $len = 1;
if( $d > 999 ) {
# if > 999 and < 10000 contacts online, user may dial 0001 through 9999
$len = 4;
} elsif( $d > 99 ) {
# if > 99 and < 1000 contacts online, user may dial 001 through 999
$len = 3;
} elsif( $d > 9 ) {
# if > 9 and < 100 contacts online, user may dial 01 through 99
$len = 2;
# sort alphabetically by username
my @ckeys = sort { $a->{'username'} cmp $b->{'username'} } keys( %{$contacts} );
$d = 1; # entries begin at extension 1
# we'll speak this string later on. if you want to say something before rambling off the directory, enter it here.
my $final = 'Skype directory. ';
# compile our spoken directory
foreach my $ukey( @ckeys ) {
$a = $contacts->{$ukey};
if( $a->{'available'} == 1 ) {
my $user = $a->{'username'};
my $num = sprintf('%0'.$len.'d', $d); # pad extension with zeros (eg, 001) so all extensions are the same length
$d = 1 + $d; # increment our extension
$n = $num;
$n =~ s/(\d)/\1,/gs; # makes 'three one one' instead of 'three hundred and eleven'
$final .= "For $user, dial $n. "; # this will be spoken
$contacts->{$ukey}->{'number'} = $num; # assign the extension
if( length($final) == 0 ) {
$session->speak("No skype contacts are online. Please try later.");
return bail();
} else {
# if you seriously have 9999 contacts, you may have to wait a while for your name to come up.
# this method is simpler than a non-blocking solution, but requires the user to sit through each name before allowing them to dial their extension.
my $sel = $session->getDigits( $len, "#", $timeoutcheck );
if( $sel && length("$sel") != 0 ) {
my $user = getUser( $contacts, $sel );
if( $user == -1 ) { return bail(); }
# to see how this works, refer to the XML dialplan accompanying this script
$session->setVariable( "destuser", $user );
$session->transfer( $dp_extension, $dp_format, $dp_context );
} else {
$session->speak("Sorry, I didn't get a selection. Goodbye.");
return bail();
sub getUser {
my $users = shift;
my $dtmfid = shift;
foreach my $k( %{ $users } ) {
if( $k->{'number'} eq $dtmfid ) {
return $k->{'username'};
return -1;
sub bail {
return 1;
sub getStatus {
my $e = shift;
my $u = shift;
if( !$session->ready() ) { return bail(); }
$api->executeString( "skypopen $interface #$c GET USER $u ONLINESTATUS" );
if( !$session->ready() ) { return bail(); }
$ce = $e->pop(1);
if( !$ce ) { return bail(); }
my $body = $ce->getBody();
my $status = 'unknown';
if( $body =~ m/^#$c USER $u ONLINESTATUS (.*)$/ ) {
$status = $1;
} else {
freeswitch::consoleLog( "info", " Unexpected response: $body\n" );
return $status;
sub getFriends {
my $e = shift;
if( !$session->ready() ) { return bail(); }
$api->executeString( "skypopen $interface #$c SEARCH FRIENDS" );
if( !$session->ready() ) { return bail(); }
$ce = $e->pop(1);
if( !$ce ) { return bail(); }
my $body = $ce->getBody();
my @friends;
if( $body =~ m/^#$c USERS (.*)$/ ) {
@friends = split(/, /, $1);
} else {
freeswitch::consoleLog( "info", " Unexpected response: $body\n" );
return \@friends;
return 1;
Once this is done, simply dial extension 1024 (unless you changed it) to be routed to the directory, and follow the voice prompts.
Bonus: python version
For fun, here's a Python version: Expand source
import os
import re
from operator import itemgetter, attrgetter
from freeswitch import *
requestCount = 1 # incremented, counter used to correlate skypopen API responses to their requests
interface = 'skype1'
def handler(session, args):
consoleLog( 'info', "Entering directory.\n" )
timeoutcheck = 30000 # time to wait for the user to dial an extension, in milliseconds.
dp_context = 'local' # or, more commonly, 'default'
dp_extension = 'skypeDirDial' # as located in the dialplan context
dp_format = 'XML' # or perhaps 'YAML'
eCon = EventConsumer('custom', 'skypopen::incoming_raw')
session.set_tts_parms("flite", "slt") # awb, kal, rms or slt
friendList = getFriends( eCon, session, {} )
d = 0 # 'online' or 'away' counter
contacts = {}
for a in friendList:
contacts[a] = {}
contacts[a]['username'] = a
contacts = getStatus( eCon, session, a, contacts )
if ( contacts[a]['status'] == 'ONLINE' ) or ( contacts[a]['status'] == 'AWAY' ):
contacts[a]['available'] = 1
d = d + 1
contacts[a]['available'] = 0
# if < 10 contacts online, user may dial 1 through 9
len = 1;
if( d > 999 ):
# if > 999 and < 10000 contacts online, user may dial 0001 through 9999
len = 4
elif( d > 99 ):
# if > 99 and < 1000 contacts online, user may dial 001 through 999
len = 3
elif( d > 9 ):
# if > 9 and < 100 contacts online, user may dial 01 through 99
len = 2
final = ''
d = 1 # entries begin at extension 1
# This doesn't work, and I don't know Python, but the idea here is to sort the entries alphabetically.
# # sort alphabetically by username
# ckeys = sorted( contacts.iteritems(), key=itemgetter('username') )
# # compile our spoken directory
# for k in ckeys:
# a = contacts[k]
for username in contacts.keys():
if( contacts[username]['available'] == 1 ):
num = "%d" % d
num = num.zfill(len) # pad extension with zeros (eg, 001) so all extensions are the same length
d = 1 + d # increment our extension
n = num
rx = re.compile(r'(\d)')
n = rx.sub( r'\1 ', num ) # say "three one three" instead of "three hundred and thirteen"
final += "For %s, dial %s. " % (username, n) # this will be spoken
contacts[username]['number'] = num # assign the extension
contacts[username]['number'] = ''
if( final == '' ):
session.speak("No skype contacts are online. Please try later.")
return bail(session)
# if you seriously have 9999 contacts, you may have to wait a while for your name to come up.
session.speak( 'Skype directory. %s' % (final) )
# this method is simpler than a non-blocking solution,
# but requires the user to sit through each name before
# allowing them to dial their extension.
sel = session.getDigits( len, "#", timeoutcheck )
if( sel and sel != '' ):
user = getUser( contacts, sel )
if( user == -1 ):
return bail(session)
# to see how this works, refer to the XML dialplan accompanying this script
session.setVariable( "destuser", user )
session.transfer( dp_extension, dp_format, dp_context )
session.speak("Sorry, I didn't get a selection. Goodbye.")
return bail(session)
def getUser(users, dtmfid):
for k in users.keys():
if( users[k]['number'] == dtmfid ):
return users[k]['username']
return -1
def bail(session):
return 1
def getStatus(eCon, session, user, userstatus):
global requestCount
global interface
userstatus[user]['status'] = 'pending'
if not ( session.ready() ):
return bail(session)
API().executeString( "skypopen %s #%d GET USER %s ONLINESTATUS" % (interface, requestCount, user) )
if not ( session.ready() ):
return bail(session)
ce = eCon.pop(1)
if not ( ce ):
return bail(session)
body = ce.getBody()
rx = re.compile( r"^#(\d+) USER (.*?) ONLINESTATUS (.*)$" )
m = rx.match(body)
if (m):
userstatus[ ]['status'] =
consoleLog( "info", " Unexpected response: %s\n" % (body) )
requestCount = 1 + requestCount
return userstatus
def getFriends(eCon, session, friends):
global requestCount
global interface
if not ( session.ready() ):
return bail(session)
API().executeString( "skypopen %s #%d SEARCH FRIENDS" % (interface, requestCount) )
if not ( session.ready() ):
return bail(session)
ce = eCon.pop(1)
if not ( ce ):
return bail(session)
body = ce.getBody()
rx = re.compile( "^#(\d+) USERS (.*)$" )
m = rx.match(body)
friends = []
if (m):
friends = re.split(', ',
consoleLog( "info", " Unexpected response: %s\n" % (body) )
requestCount = 1 + requestCount
return friends - skype directory example
by daniel o'neill (
my $api = new freeswitch::API; my $e = new freeswitch::EventConsumer("custom", "skypopen::incoming_raw"); my $c = 0; # incremented, counter used to correlate skypopen API responses to their requests
my $timeoutcheck = 30000; # time to wait for the user to dial an extension, in milliseconds.
my $interface = 'skype1'; # the skype interface to dial-out on.
you could also use 'ANY', or read this from $session->getVariable() and specify it in your dialplan.
my $dp_context = 'local'; # or, more commonly, 'default' my $dp_extension = 'skypeDirDial'; # as located in the dialplan context my $dp_format = 'XML'; # or perhaps 'YAML'
TTS engine to use.
You could also use Cepstral, for example
$session->set_tts_parms("flite", "slt"); # awb, kal, rms or slt
$session->set_tts_parms("cepstral", "Amy");
freeswitch::consoleLog( "info", "Entering directory.\n" );
$friendList = getFriends( $e ); # this is actually pretty fast
Gather our contacts
my $contacts;
my $d = 0; # 'online' or 'away' counter
foreach my $a(@{ $friendList }) {
$contacts->{$a}->{'username'} = $a;
$contacts->{$a}->{'status'} = getStatus( $e, $a ); # for less than 100, this is fairly quick also.
if( $contacts->{$a}->{'status'} eq 'ONLINE'
|| $contacts->{$a}->{'status'} eq 'AWAY' ) {
$contacts->{$a}->{'available'} = 1;
if < 10 contacts online, user may dial 1 through 9
my $len = 1;
if( $d > 999 ) {
if > 999 and < 10000 contacts online, user may dial 0001 through 9999
$len = 4;
} elsif( $d > 99 ) {
if > 99 and < 1000 contacts online, user may dial 001 through 999
$len = 3;
} elsif( $d > 9 ) {
if > 9 and < 100 contacts online, user may dial 01 through 99
$len = 2;
sort alphabetically by username
my @ckeys = sort { $a->{'username'} cmp $b->{'username'} } keys( %{$contacts} ); $d = 1; # entries begin at extension 1
we'll speak this string later on. if you want to say something before rambling off the directory, enter it here.
my $final = 'Skype directory. ';
compile our spoken directory
foreach my $ukey( @ckeys ) {
$a = $contacts->{$ukey};
if( $a->{'available'} == 1 ) {
my $user = $a->{'username'};
my $num = sprintf('%0'.$len.'d', $d); # pad extension with zeros (eg, 001) so all extensions are the same length
$d = 1 + $d; # increment our extension
$n = $num;
$n =~ s/(\d)/\1,/gs; # makes 'three one one' instead of 'three hundred and eleven'
$final .= "For $user, dial $n. "; # this will be spoken
$contacts->{$ukey}->{'number'} = $num; # assign the extension
if( length($final) == 0 ) {
$session->speak("No skype contacts are online. Please try later.");
return bail();
} else {
if you seriously have 9999 contacts, you may have to wait a while for your name to come up.
this method is simpler than a non-blocking solution, but requires the user to sit through each name before allowing them to dial their extension.
my $sel = $session->getDigits( $len, "#", $timeoutcheck );
if( $sel && length("$sel") != 0 ) {
my $user = getUser( $contacts, $sel );
if( $user == -1 ) { return bail(); }
to see how this works, refer to the XML dialplan accompanying this script
$session->setVariable( "destuser", $user );
$session->transfer( $dp_extension, $dp_format, $dp_context );
} else {
$session->speak("Sorry, I didn't get a selection. Goodbye.");
return bail();
sub getUser {
my $users = shift;
my $dtmfid = shift;
foreach my $k( %{ $users } ) {
if( $k->{'number'} eq $dtmfid ) {
return $k->{'username'};
return -1;
sub bail { $session->hangup(); return 1; }
sub getStatus { my $e = shift; my $u = shift;
if( !$session->ready() ) { return bail(); } $api->executeString( "skypopen $interface #$c GET USER $u ONLINESTATUS" ); if( !$session->ready() ) { return bail(); }
$ce = $e->pop(1); if( !$ce ) { return bail(); }
my $body = $ce->getBody(); my $status = 'unknown'; if( $body =~ m/^#$c USER $u ONLINESTATUS (.*)$/ ) { $status = $1; } else { freeswitch::consoleLog( "info", " Unexpected response: $body\n" ); }
return $status; }
sub getFriends { my $e = shift;
if( !$session->ready() ) { return bail(); } $api->executeString( "skypopen $interface #$c SEARCH FRIENDS" ); if( !$session->ready() ) { return bail(); }
$ce = $e->pop(1); if( !$ce ) { return bail(); }
my $body = $ce->getBody();
my @friends; if( $body =~ m/^#$c USERS (.*)$/ ) { @friends = split(/, /, $1); } else { freeswitch::consoleLog( "info", " Unexpected response: $body\n" ); }
return @friends; }
return 1;