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Contexts for E1 channels

For E1 boards, inbound contexts are predefined as option context-digital with default value as following:

<param name="context-digital" value="khomp-DD-LL"/>

This standard defines the context that links will be redirected in accordance with the number of the board and number of the link: DD is the device number (two digits), and LL is the number of the link (also with two digits).

However, it is possible to configure other inbound contexts, with different formats. There is format CCC, which means the channel number on the card (three digits), and SSSS, which represents the serial board number (with four digits).

Examples for configuration entries (khomp.conf.xml):

<!-- Serial board number and sequential link (ex: khomp-01-00) -->
<param name="context-digital" value="khomp-DD-LL"/>

<!-- Serial board number and sequential link (ex: khomp-3049-00) -->
<param name="context-digital" value="khomp-SSSS-LL"/>

<!-- Sequential board number and the channel (ex: khomp-00-001) -->
<param name="context-digital" value="khomp-DD-CCC"/>

<!-- Receive all calls in one context (khomp-digital) -->
<param name="context-digital" value="khomp-digital"/>

Follows an example the context usage inside the dialplan:

The present context in 'extensions.conf' will handle calls
that come from the link 0 (first link) of the board 0.
<context name="khomp-00-00">

Another example, using the same format:

The present context in 'extensions.conf' will handle calls
that come from the link 1 (second link) of the board 0.
<context name="khomp-00-01>

A complete example, with a few simple actions:

<context name="khomp-00-00">
<extension name="exemplo_1">
<condition field="destination_number" expression="^1234$">
<action application="bridge" data="Khomp/b0L1/2345"/>
<extension name="exemplo_2">
<condition field="destination_number" expression="^23(\d{2})$">
<action application="bridge" data="sofia/${use_profile}/11$1@${sip_from_host}"/>

<context name="khomp-00-01">
<extension name="exemplo_3">
<condition field="destination_number" expression="^1111$">
<action application="bridge" data="Khomp/b0L0/2345"/>

This dialplan defines that:

  1. The incoming calls on the link 0 of the board 0 will have the following handling:
    • Calls to the extension 1234 for will be redirected to the second link on the first board (b0L1), calling number 2345;
    • Calls to any four digit number starting with23 will be redirected to SIP phones numbered 11 plus the last two digits of the number dialed.
  2. The incoming calls on the link 1 of the board 0 for the number 1111 will be redirected to the first link of the first board (b0L0) calling number 2345.

Contexts of FXS/FXO/GSM channels

Just as in the context of E1 cards, inbound links are forwarded to the Endpoint FreeSwitch.

The context is pre-defined as follows, according to the file khomp.conf.xml:

<param name="context-gsm" value="khomp-DD-CC"/> ;placas GSM

<param name="context-fxs" value="khomp-DD-CC"/> ; placas FXS

<param name="context-fxo" value="khomp-DD-CC"/> ; placas FXO

For these options, DD is the device number (two digits), and CC is the channel number (also two digits). There is also the SSSS format, which represents the serial number board.

In the KGSM board, incoming calls are always redirected to the "s" extension, since the GSM protocol does not identify the target number, only the originator - if not omitted.

Priority settings on the FXS branches

On calls originated from an FXS branch, the Endpoint searches for a valid extension (digits sent) after the DTMF # or after the timeout (option fxs-digit-timeout). That search is done in the context defined in section <fxs-options>, or if no context configured, the search is done in context defined in context-fxs.

Contexts for SMS messages (GSM only)

SMS messages are received by the Khomp Endpoint and forwarded to FreeSWITCH as a normal connection but no audio, which has some variables set with information received in the message - for more information on these variables, see the documentation of the variables of the Endpoint. This context can also be modified in the same way as the above contexts.

The default value for this option follows (khomp.conf.xml):

<param name="context-gsm-sms" value="khomp-sms-DD-CC"/> 

Where DD is the device number (two digits), and CC is the channel number (also with two digits). For example:

<context name="khomp-sms-00-01">
<extension name="sms">
<condition field="destination_number" expression="^s$">
<action application="log" data="DEBUG KSmsType=${KSmsType}"/>
<action application="log" data="DEBUG KSmsBody=${KSmsBody}"/>

Contexts for Khomp_PR channels (KPR)

For these cards, inbound links have a pre-defined context, as shown below:

<param name="context-pr" value="khomp-DD-CC"/> 

In this case, DD is the device number (two digits), andCC is the channel number (also two digits). The name and format of this context can also be changed through the "context-pr" in the configuration file.

Groups contexts

The section groups, in the configuration file khomp.conf.xml, can be used to define specific settings for certain groups of channels.

This section is detailed in the section Endpoint Configuration.