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Update an IncomingPhoneNumber

Use this endpoint for the IncomingPhoneNumber method to modify the properties of an incoming phone number.


AccountSid RequiredThe unique identifier of the account associated with this phone number.
AddressSid OptionalThe unique identifier for the address associated with this phone number.
EmergencyAddressSid OptionalThe unique identifier of the address to be used for E911.
FriendlyName OptionalThe formatted version of the phone number.
IdentitySid OptionalThe unique identifier for the identity associated with this phone number.
SmsApplicationSid OptionalThe unique identifier for the application associated with SMS handling on this phone number. If SmsApplicationSid is present, the URLs on the application will be used and all other URLs will be ignored.
SmsFallbackMethod OptionalWhether the request to SmsFallbackUrl is a GET or a POST. Default is POST.
SmsFallbackUrl OptionalThe URL to request if errors occur when fetching SmsUrl.
SmsMethod OptionalWhether the request to SmsUrl is a GET or a POST. Default is POST.
SmsUrl OptionalThe URL to request when an incoming SMS is received.
StatusCallback OptionalThe URL to request to pass status updates to.
StatusCallbackMethod OptionalWhether the request to StatusCallback is a GET or a POST. Default is POST.
TrunkSid OptionalThe unique identifier for the Trunk associated with this phone number.
VoiceApplicationSid OptionalThe unique identifier for the application associated with call handling on this phone number. If VoiceApplicationSid is present, the URLs on the application will be used and all other URLs will be ignored.
VoiceCallerIdLookup OptionalWhether or not to look up a caller's name in the database. Possible values are true or false.
VoiceFallbackMethod OptionalWhether the request to VoiceFallbackUrl is a GET or a POST. Default is POST.
VoiceFallbackUrl OptionalThe URL to request if errors occur when fetching Url.
VoiceMethod OptionalWhether the request to Url is a GET or a POST. Default is POST.
VoiceReceiveMode OptionalWhether this number can receive calls or fax. Possible values are voice or fax. Default is voice.
VoiceUrl OptionalThe URL to request when a phone number receives a call or fax.



curl{AccountSid}/IncomingPhoneNumbers/{IncomingPhoneNumberSid}.json \
-u "YourProjectID:YourAuthToken"

Request: Update an IncomingPhoneNumber's VoiceUrl

In this example, we will update the URL that SignalWire will request when a call to your account is received.

curl{AccountSid}/IncomingPhoneNumbers/{IncomingPhoneNumberSid}.json \
--data-urlencode "AccountSid=b3877c40-da60-4998-90ad-b792e98472ac" \
--data-urlencode "VoiceUrl=" \
-u "YourProjectID:YourAuthToken"


200 OK

"account_sid": "b3877c40-da60-4998-90ad-b792e98472ac",
"address_requirements": "none",
"address_sid": "b3877c40-da60-4998-90ad-b792e98472ad",
"api_version": "2010-04-01",
"beta": false,
"capabilities": {
"mms": true,
"sms": false,
"voice": true
"date_created": "Tue, 25 Sept 2018 23:00:00 +0000",
"date_updated": "Wed, 26 Sept 2018 22:00:00 +0000",
"emergency_address_sid": null,
"emergency_status": "Inactive",
"friendly_name": "310-338-6745",
"identity_sid": "b3877c40-da60-4998-90ad-b792e98472ri",
"origin": "origin",
"phone_number": "+13103386745",
"sid": "b3877c40-da60-4998-90ad-b792e98472pn",
"sms_application_sid": null,
"sms_fallback_method": "POST",
"sms_fallback_url": "",
"sms_method": "POST",
"sms_url": "",
"status_callback": "",
"status_callback_method": "POST",
"trunk_sid": "b3877c40-da60-4998-90ad-b792e98472tr",
"uri": "/api/laml/2010-04-01/Accounts/b3877c40-da60-4998-90ad-b792e98472ac/IncomingPhoneNumbers/b3877c40-da60-4998-90ad-b792e98472pn.json",
"voice_application_sid": null,
"voice_caller_id_lookup": false,
"voice_fallback_method": "POST",
"voice_fallback_url": null,
"voice_method": "GET",
"voice_url": ""