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A Fax is a fax that has been sent to or received by a SignalWire phone number.


A sample Fax returned from the API.

"account_sid": "b3877c40-da60-4998-90ad-b792e98472ac",
"api_version": "v1",
"date_created": "2018-11-26T20:00:00Z",
"date_updated": "2018-11-27T20:00:00Z",
"direction": "outbound",
"from": "+13103383454",
"media_url": "",
"media_sid": "b3877c40-da60-4998-90ad-b792e98472me",
"num_pages": null,
"price": null,
"price_unit": null,
"quality": null,
"sid": "b3877c40-da60-4998-90ad-b792e98472fx",
"status": "queued",
"to": "+13104456789",
"duration": null,
"links": {
"media": "/api/laml/2010-04-01/Accounts/b3877c40-da60-4998-90ad-b792e98472ac/Faxes/b3877c40-da60-4998-90ad-b792e98472fx/Media"
"url": "/api/laml/2010-04-01/Accounts/b3877c40-da60-4998-90ad-b792e98472ac/Faxes/b3877c40-da60-4998-90ad-b792e98472fx"
account_sid stringThe unique identifier for the account this fax is associated with.
date_created stringThe date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the fax was created.
date_updated stringThe date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the fax was updated.
direction stringThe direction of the fax. Possible values are inbound or outbound.
duration integerThe time, in seconds, it took to deliver a fax.
from stringThe phone number, in E.164 format, the fax was sent from.
media_sid stringThe unique identifier for the media instance associated with the fax instance.
media_url stringThe URL hosting the received media. Can use this URL to download incoming media.
num_pages stringThe number of pages in the fax document.
price stringThe cost of the fax.
price_unit stringThe currency, in ISO 4217 format, of the price.
quality stringThe quality of the fax. See below for possible values.
sid stringThe unique identifier of the fax.
status stringThe status of the fax. See below for possible values.
to stringThe phone number, in E.164 format, the fax was sent to.
url stringThe URL of this resource.


The quality attribute has the following values:

standard A low quality (204x98) fax resolution. This quality should be supported by all devices.
fine A medium quality (204x196) fax resolution.
superfine A high quality (204x392) fax resolution.


The status attribute has the following values:

queued The fax is queued and waiting for processing.
processing The fax is being uploaded, downloaded, or converted to a different format.
sending The fax is being sent.
delivered The fax has been successfully sent.
receiving The fax is being received.
received The fax has been successfully received.
no-answer The fax failed because the recipient didn't pick up.
busy The fax failed because the receiving machine sent back a busy signal.
failed The fax failed to send or receive.
canceled The fax was canceled.