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Update a Room



Update a room.


The API token must include the following scopes: Video.


Path Parameters

    id uuidrequired

    Unique ID of the room



    display_name string

    Display name of the room. Maximum of 200 characters. Defaults to the value of name.

    description string

    Description of the room. Maximum of 3000 characters.

    max_members integer

    The maximum number of members in the room at a time. Must be at least one to a maximum of 300. Defaults to 20.

    quality string

    The room's resolution. Allowed values are 720p or 1080p. Defaults to 720p.

    join_from date-time

    Room does not accept new participants before this time. Overridable by token. Expects RFC 3339 datetime: 2022-01-01T23:59:60Z. Date only: 2022-01-01 will be converted to 2022-01-01T00:00:00Z

    join_until date-time

    Room stops accepting new participants at this time, but keeps running until all participants leave. Overridable by token. Expects RFC 3339 datetime: 2022-01-01T23:59:60Z. Date only: 2022-01-01 will be converted to 2022-01-01T00:00:00Z

    remove_at date-time

    Remove users from the room at this time. Overridable by token. Expects RFC 3339 datetime: 2022-01-01T23:59:60Z. Date only: 2022-01-01 will be converted to 2022-01-01T00:00:00Z

    remove_after_seconds_elapsed int32

    Remove users after they are in the room for N seconds. Overridable by token.

    layout string

    The room's initial layout. Defaults to grid-responsive. See documentation for a full list of supported layouts.

    record_on_start boolean

    Specifies whether to start recording a Room Session when one is started for this Room

    enable_room_previews boolean

    Whether a video with a preview of the content of the room is to be generated.

    audio_video_sync boolean

    Enable/disable jitter buffer audio-video sync.




    id uuid

    A unique identifier for the room

    name string

    A named unique identifier for the room. Allowed characters: A-Za-z0-9_-. Maximum of 100 characters.

    display_name string

    Display name of the room. Maximum of 200 characters. Defaults to the value of name.

    description string

    Description of the room. Maximum of 3000 characters.

    max_members integer

    The maximum number of members in the room at a time. Must be at least one to a maximum of 300. Defaults to 20.

    quality string

    The room's resolution. Allowed values are 720p or 1080p. Defaults to 720p.

    join_from date-time

    Room does not accept new participants before this time. Overridable by token. Expects RFC 3339 datetime: 2022-01-01T23:59:60Z. Date only: 2022-01-01 will be converted to 2022-01-01T00:00:00Z

    join_until date-time

    Room stops accepting new participants at this time, but keeps running until all participants leave. Overridable by token. Expects RFC 3339 datetime: 2022-01-01T23:59:60Z. Date only: 2022-01-01 will be converted to 2022-01-01T00:00:00Z

    remove_at date-time

    Remove users from the room at this time. Overridable by token. Expects RFC 3339 datetime: 2022-01-01T23:59:60Z. Date only: 2022-01-01 will be converted to 2022-01-01T00:00:00Z

    remove_after_seconds_elapsed int32

    Remove users after they are in the room for N seconds. Overridable by token.

    layout string

    The room's initial layout. Defaults to grid-responsive. See documentation for a full list of supported layouts.

    record_on_start boolean

    Specifies whether to start recording a Room Session when one is started for this Room

    enable_room_previews boolean

    Whether a video with a preview of the content of the room is to be generated.

    audio_video_sync boolean

    Enable/disable jitter buffer audio-video sync.

    fps integer

    Frames Per Second parameter of room video quality



    id uuid

    Unique ID of the session

    room_id uuid

    Unique ID of the Room if the Session was created from a Room and was not an auto-created Session.

    name string

    The named identifier of room session.

    display_name string

    Display name of room, no character limitations. Maxium of 200 characters. Defaults to the value of name.

    join_from date-time

    Room Session does not accept new Members before this time.

    join_until date-time

    Room Session stops accepting new Members at this time.

    remove_at date-time

    Remove Members from the Room Session at this time.

    remove_after_seconds_elapsed int32

    Remove Members after they are in the Room Session for N seconds.

    layout string

    The Room Session's initial layout. Defaults to grid-responsive. See documentation for a full list of supported layouts.

    max_members integer

    The maximum number of members allowed in the room at a time.

    fps integer

    The Room Session's frames per second. Possible values are 20 or 30.

    quality string

    The Room Session's resolution. Possible values are 720p or 1080p.

    start_time date-time
    end_time date-time
    duration integer

    How long, in seconds, the Room Session lasted.

    status string
    record_on_start boolean

    Whether a recording was automatically started when this Room Session began.

    enable_room_previews boolean

    Whether a video with a preview of the content of the room is to be generated.

    preview_url string

    If room previews are enabled and the room session is in progress, this is the URL of the preview video.

    audio_video_sync boolean

    Enable/disable jitter buffer audio-video sync.

    created_at date-time
    updated_at date-time