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PHP Event Socket


The code below was last edited in 2008, but is still working in 2013 on php v5.3

Other implementation in PHP5:

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PHP client examle

Website based PHP event socket example. Make sure to change $host to the ip address of your FreeSWITCH server.


$password = "ClueCon";
$port = "8021";
$host = "";

function event_socket_create($host, $port, $password) {
$fp = fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errdesc)
or die("Connection to $host failed");

if ($fp) {
while (!feof($fp)) {
$buffer = fgets($fp, 1024);
usleep(100); //allow time for reponse
if (trim($buffer) == "Content-Type: auth/request") {
fputs($fp, "auth $password\n\n");
return $fp;
else {
return false;

function event_socket_request($fp, $cmd) {

if ($fp) {
fputs($fp, $cmd."\n\n");
usleep(100); //allow time for reponse

$response = "";
$i = 0;
$contentlength = 0;
while (!feof($fp)) {
$buffer = fgets($fp, 4096);
if ($contentlength > 0) {
$response .= $buffer;

if ($contentlength == 0) { //if contentlenght is already don't process again
if (strlen(trim($buffer)) > 0) { //run only if buffer has content
$temparray = split(":", trim($buffer));
if ($temparray[0] == "Content-Length") {
$contentlength = trim($temparray[1]);

usleep(100); //allow time for reponse

//optional because of script timeout //don't let while loop become endless
if ($i > 10000) { break; }

if ($contentlength > 0) { //is contentlength set
//stop reading if all content has been read.
if (strlen($response) >= $contentlength) {

return $response;
else {
echo "no handle";

$fp = event_socket_create($host, $port, $password);
$cmd = "api help";
$response = event_socket_request($fp, $cmd);
echo $response;
