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Multiple Servers in Irssi


For those who want to keep track of their chats while not online, run irssi in a screen on a Linux box. You can then detach and re-attach your screen (with Irssi in it) from anywhere.


To have your "normal" IRC server in Irssi and then add one is really simple. Just do a /server and you'll have the extra connection. Then you can tag your joins:

/join -freenode #freeswitch

A startup config autojoining your servers and channels in your .irssi dir:

servers = (
address = "";
port = "6667";
use_ssl = "no";
ssl_verify = "no";
autoconnect = "yes";
chatnet = "IRCnet";
address = "";
port = "6667";
use_ssl = "no";
ssl_verify = "no";
autoconnect = "yes";
chatnet = "freenode";

channels = (
name = "#freeswitch";
chatnet = "freenode";
autojoin = "yes";

See Also