Generating TLS certificates (win32)
This is how to Generate TLS certificates in win32. A temporary solution for Windows users until an automatic script is available.
Creating new CA and certificate
- OpenSSL is built with FreeSWITCH - no additional files needed for setup.
- Create a CA directory under freeswitch/conf/ssl called CA:
mkdir “c:\program files\freeswitch\conf\ssl\CA"
- Create two temporary files in this new directory:
# c:\program files\freeswitch\conf\ssl\CA\tmpfile1.cfg
[ req ]
default_bits = 1024
prompt = no
distinguished_name = req_dn
[ req_dn ]
commonName = FreesSWITCH CA
organizationName = FreeSWITCH
[ ext ]
# c:\program files\freeswitch\conf\ssl\CA\tmpfile2.cfg
[ req ]
default_bits = 1024
prompt = no
distinguished_name = req_dn
[ req_dn ]
commonName = FreesSWITCH CA
organizationName = FreeSWITCH
[ ext ]
- To set up new CA certificate, run these commands under this new directory (chdir "c:\program files\freeswitch\conf\ssl\CA"):
..\..\..\openssl req -new -out "careq.pem" -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout "cakey.pem" -config "tmpfile1.cfg" -nodes -sha1
..\..\..\openssl x509 -req -signkey "cakey.pem" -in "careq.pem" -out "cacert.pem" -extfile "tmpfile1.cfg" -extensions ext -days 365 -sha1
- To generate a certificate, run this under the same directory:
..\..\..\openssl req -new -out "tmpfile2.req" -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout "tmpfile3.key" -config "tmpfile2.cfg" -nodes -sha1
..\..\..\openssl x509 -req -CAkey "cakey.pem" -CA "cacert.pem" -CAcreateserial -in "tmpfile2.req" -out "tmpfile3.crt" -extfile "tmpfile2.cfg" -extensions ext -days 365 -sha1
- Move the final certificates in their final position:
copy cacert.pem ..\cafile.pem
copy tmpfile3.* ..\agent.pem
- Erase all the temporary files:
del tmpfile*.*
Removing the CA
To remove the CA, just delete the CA directory:
rmdir /s /q "c:\program files\freeswitch\conf\ssl\CA"
You might consider changing these according to your settings:
commonName =FreesSWITCH CA customize your own CA name
organizationName =FreeSWITCH Put your own organization name
subjectAltName Your own DNS
copy tmpfile3.* ..\agent.pem depending on the certificate name you need