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Retrieve a Call

Retrieve a call.


The API token must include the following scopes: Voice.

Path Parameters
AccountSid uuid REQUIRED

The Project ID that uniquely identifies the Account to retrieve.


The Call Sid that uniquely identifies the call to retrieve.



account_sid uuid OPTIONAL

The unique identifier for the account that created this call.

annotation string OPTIONAL

The annotation for the call.

answered_by string OPTIONAL

Possible values: [human, machine]

Who/what the call was answered by. Possible values are human or machine.

api_version OPTIONAL

The version of the SignalWire API.

caller_name string OPTIONAL

The name of the caller. Only available if Caller ID lookup is enabled.

date_created string OPTIONAL

The date, in RFC 2822 GMT format, this call was created.

date_updated string OPTIONAL

The date, in RFC 2822 GMT format, this call was updated.

direction string OPTIONAL

Possible values: [inbound, outbound]

The direction of the call. Possible values are inbound or outbound.

duration number OPTIONAL

The duration, in seconds, of the call.

end_time string OPTIONAL

The time, in RFC 2822 GMT format, on which the call was terminated.

forwarded_from string OPTIONAL

The number this call was forwarded from.

from string OPTIONAL

The address that initiated the call. Can be either a E.164 formatted number (+xxxxxxxxxxx), or a SIP endpoint (sip:xxx@yyy.zzz).

formatted_from string OPTIONAL

The formatted number that initiated the call.

parent_call_sid uuid OPTIONAL

The unique identifier for the call that created this call.

phone_number_sid uuid OPTIONAL

Outbound call: the unique identifier for OutgoingCallerId. Inbound call: the unique identifier for IncomingPhoneNumber.

price number OPTIONAL

The charge for the call.

price_unit string OPTIONAL

The currency, in ISO 4127 format, for the price of the call.

sid uuid OPTIONAL

The unique identifier for the call.

start_time string OPTIONAL

The time, in RFC 2822 GMT format, on which the call began.

status string OPTIONAL

Possible values: [queued, ringing, in-progress, canceled, completed, busy, failed]

The status of the call.

subresource_uris object OPTIONAL

A Map of available sub-resources.

notifications string OPTIONAL

The URI for notifications

recordings string OPTIONAL

The URI for recordings

to string OPTIONAL

The address that received the call. Can be either a E.164 formatted number (+xxxxxxxxxxx), or a SIP endpoint (sip:xxx@yyy.zzz).

formatted_to string OPTIONAL

The formatted number that received the call.

uri string OPTIONAL

The URI for the call.