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XML Bins

XML Bins are our serverless hosted service that allows you to easily serve static documents without setting up any infrastructure.

sidstringThe unique identifier of the XML Bin on SignalWire. This can be used to show, update, or delete the Bin programmatically.
date_createdstringThe date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the Bin was created.
date_updatedstringThe date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the Bin was updated.
date_last_accessedstringThe date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the Bin was last accessed.
account_sidstringThe unique identifier for the account this Bin is associated with.
namestringA friendly name given to the XML Bin to help distinguish and search for different Bins within your project.
contentsstringThe contents of the Bin, this evaluates to valid XML, with additional support for mustache templating. You can read more about XML Compatibility Bins in our documentation.
request_urlstringThe unique URL to the raw contents of the XML Bin. Use this as the URL for configuring webhooks or anything needing the XML returned.
num_requestsintThe number of times this Bin has been accessed.
api_versionstringThe version of the SignalWire API.
uristringThe URL of this resource.

Example of an XML Bin object returned by the API:

"sid": "5184b831-184f-4209-872d-ccdccc80f2f1",
"date_created": "2019-11-26T20:00:00Z",
"date_updated": "2020-05-05T20:00:00Z",
"date_last_accessed": "2020-06-05T20:00:00Z",
"account_sid": "b3877c40-da60-4998-90ad-b792e98472af",
"name": "Death Star IVR",
"contents": "<Response><Say>Hello!</Say></Response>",
"request_url": "",
"num_requests": 1337,
"api_version": "2010-04-01",
"uri": "/api/laml/2010-04-01/Accounts/b3877c40-da60-4998-90ad-b792e98472af/LamlBins/5184b831-184f-4209-872d-ccdccc80f2f1"