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RELAY Realtime SDK 3.9.2

· One min read
Renae Sowald

We are happy to announce Realtime-API SDK 3.9.2.

Upgrading is straightforward with our release process, which adheres to Semantic Versioning. Minor versions are guaranteed to not have breaking changes, so you can upgrade with confidence.

SignalWire Release Card


  • We now support call state webhook callbacks with callStateUrl and callStateEvents parameters on dial and connect Voice Call methods. 4e1116b6

Call states you may specify with callStateEvents include created, ringing, answered, ending, and ended.

If callStateUrl and callStateEvents parameters are included when creating or connecting a call:

      const call = await client.dialPhone({
to: '+123456',
from: '+19876',
timeout: 30,
callStateUrl: '',
callStateEvents: ['ended', 'answered']

the RELAY system will make a request to the specified webhook with the following payload:

"params": {
"event_type": "",
"event_channel": "signalwire_...",
"timestamp": 123457.1234,
"space_id": "<UUID>",
"project_id": "<UUID>",
"params": {
"node_id": "<UUID>",
"call_id": "<UUID>",
"tag": "<ID>",
"device": {
"type": "phone",
"params": {
"from_number": "+15551231234",
"to_number": "+15553214321"
"parent": {
"node_id": "<UUID>",
"call_id": "<UUID>",
"device_type": "phone"
"peer": {
"node_id": "<UUID>",
"call_id": "<UUID>"
"call_state": "ended",
"start_time": <time in ms>,
"answer_time": <time in ms>,
"end_time": <time in ms>,
"created_by": "dial"