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You can use instances of this class to initiate or receive calls. Please see Events for the full list of events you can subscribe to.

Voice Client

Setting up a Voice Client

To create a Voice client, you will need to create a SignalWire Realtime-Client first. After the SignalWire Client is created, you can access the Voice client using the voice namespace.


import { SignalWire } from "@signalwire/realtime-api";

const client = await SignalWire({ project: "ProjectID Here", token: "Token Here" })

const voiceClient = client.voice



dial(dialer): Promise<Call>

Makes an outbound Call and waits until it has been answered or hung up. This is an advanced method that lets you call multiple devices in parallel or series: for simpler use cases, see dialPhone and dialSip.

With this method you can specify a configuration of devices to call in series and/or in parallel: as soon as one device answers the call, the returned promise is resolved. You specify a configuration through a VoiceDeviceBuilder object.


dialerVoiceDeviceBuilderThe Dialer specifying the devices to call.



A call object.


Calls a phone number. If the number doesn't answer within 30 seconds, calls two different SIP endpoints in parallel.

import { SignalWire, Voice } from "@signalwire/realtime-api";

const client = await SignalWire({ project: "ProjectID Here", token: "Token Here" })

const voiceClient = client.voice

const devices = new Voice.DeviceBuilder()
.add(Voice.DeviceBuilder.Phone({ from: "+XXXXXX", to: "+YYYYYY", timeout: 30 }))
Voice.DeviceBuilder.Sip({ from: "", to: "sip:xxx@yyy.zz" }),
Voice.DeviceBuilder.Sip({ from: "", to: "sip:ppp@qqq.rr" })

try {
const call = await voiceClient.dial(devices);
console.log("Call answered", call);
} catch (e) {
console.log("Call not answered", e);


dialPhone(params): Promise<Call>

Makes an outbound call to a PSTN number.


params.from?stringThe party the call is coming from. Must be a SignalWire number or SIP endpoint that you own.
params.maxPricePerMinute?numberThe maximum price in USD acceptable for the call to be created. If the rate for the call is greater than this value, the call will not be created. If not set, all calls will be created. Price can have a maximum of four decimal places, i.e. 0.0075.
params.timeout?numberThe time, in seconds, the call will ring before it is considered unanswered.
params.tostringThe party you are attempting to call.
params.listen?ObjectObject that contains Callbacks to listen for events.
List of Call events can be found here.



A call object.


import { SignalWire, Voice } from "@signalwire/realtime-api";

const client = await SignalWire({ project: "ProjectID Here", token: "Token Here" })

const voiceClient = client.voice

try {
const call = await voiceClient.dialPhone({
from: "+YYYYYYYYYY",
timeout: 30
console.log("Call answered.", call);
} catch (e) {
console.log("Call not answered.", e);


dialSip(params): Promise<Call>

Makes an outbound call to a SIP endpoint.


params.codecs?SipCodec[]Optional array of desired codecs in order of preference. Supported values are PCMU, PCMA, OPUS, G729, G722, VP8, H264. Default is parent leg codec(s).
params.fromstringThe party the call is coming from. Must be a SignalWire number or SIP endpoint that you own.
params.headers?SipHeader[]Array of SipHeader objects. Must be X- headers only, see example below.
params.maxPricePerMinute?numberThe maximum price in USD acceptable for the call to be created. If the rate for the call is greater than this value, the call will not be created. If not set, all calls will be created. Price can have a maximum of four decimal places, i.e. 0.0075.
params.timeout?numberThe time, in seconds, the call will ring before it is considered unanswered.
params.tostringThe party you are attempting to call.
params.webrtcMedia?booleanIf true, WebRTC media is negotiated. Default is parent leg setting.
params.sessionTimeout?numberNon-negative value, in seconds, to use for the SIP Session-Expires header. If 0 or unset, SignalWire will pick the default (typically 600).
params.listen?ObjectObject that contains Callbacks to listen for events.
List of Call events can be found here.



A call object.


import { SignalWire, Voice } from "@signalwire/realtime-api";

const client = await SignalWire({ project: "ProjectID Here", token: "Token Here" })

const voiceClient = client.voice

try {
const call = await voiceClient.dialSip({
from: "sip:xxx@yyy.zz",
to: "sip:ppp@qqq.rr",
timeout: 30,
headers: [
{ name: "X-SomeKeyA", value: "SomeValueA" },
{ name: "X-SomeKeyB", value: "SomeValueB" }
console.log("Call answered.", call);
} catch (e) {
console.log("Call not answered.", e);


listen({event: Callback }): Promise<Call Events>

Listens for Voice events.


paramsObjectObject containing the parameters of the method.
params.topicsstring[]Topic to send the task to. Previously known as "contexts".
params.EVENTCallbackThe event to listen to. List of events can be found here.
Example event: (E.g: onCallReceived)


Promise<Call Events> - See Call Events for the full list of events you can listen to.


import { SignalWire } from "@signalwire/realtime-api";

const client = await SignalWire({ project: "ProjectID Here", token: "Token Here"})

const voiceClient = client.voice;

await voiceClient.listen({
topics: ["office"],
onCallReceived: (call) => {
console.log("Call received", call);



client.voice.listen({ onCallReceived: Callback })

Emitted when a call is received. Your event handler will be called with a Call object.

