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confcall JS


Early JavaScript example for FreeSwitch using mod_spidermonkey with mod_spidermonkey_odbc. by Ken Rice (SwK @ #freeswitch) This application is only meant to be an example of the power and ease of using FreeSWITCH. This file includes work ripped off from other JavaScript apps created by anthm @ #freeswitch and pist @ #freeswitch. I hope this helps you in starting to use FreeSwitch & JS with ODBC.

mod_spidermonkey has been superseded by mod_v8 as a JavaScript API.


confroom.js - Simple IVR Menu using a database.
JavaScript Application for FreeSwitch::mod_spidermonkeyi with mod_spidermonkey_odbc.
by Ken Rice (SwK @ #freeswitch)

This application is only meant to be an example of the power and ease of using FreeSwitch.
This file includes work ripped off from other JavaScript apps created by anthm @ #freeswitch
and pist @ #freeswitch.
I hope this helps you in starting to use FreeSwitch & JS with ODBC.

Install: copy this file to your <freeswitch dir>/scripts/

Add the following section to your freeswitch.xml around the extension 1000 section.

<extension name="1200">
<condition field="destination_number" expression="^1200$">
<action application="javascript" data="confroom.js"/>

Dial 1200 from your sip phone and voila! Ofcourse you can match for inbound DID/DNIS, and run this app.

Disclaimer: Use at your own risk. No implied warranties or help if/when stuff blows up.

Here's the mySQL table structure

CREATE TABLE `conferences` (
`cuid` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`pin` varchar(6) NOT NULL default '',
`confname` varchar(30) default NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`cuid`),
UNIQUE KEY `pin` (`pin`)

Note: this does not include infor on setting up the DNS on your system for unixODBC or other. should be fairly
easy using google.



var DSN = "conferences";
var DB_USER = "confuser";
var DB_PASS = "31337p4$$w0rd";

var line = "====================================\n";

var db = new ODBC(DSN, DB_USER, DB_PASS);

var sql;
var dtmf = new Object();
var replay = 1;

function mycb (session, type, data, arg) {

if (type == "dtmf") {
arg.digits += data.digit;
if (arg.digits.length >= 1) {
return false;

function get_route(digits)
sql = "select count(*) as count from conferences where pin = \"" + digits +"\";";

var line = "====================================\n";

console_log("notice", "Menu Option Entered: " + digits +" \n sql statment [" + sql + "]\n");
console_log("notice", line);


while(db.nextRow()) {
var row = db.getData();
if (row["count"] >= 1) {
console_log("notice", "Found Conf Pin=[" + digits + "]\n");
return digits;
} else {
console_log("notice", "Conf Pin NOT Found!\n");
return false;
console_log("notice", line);

/** Let's answer our call **/

/** Play our Main Menu prompt sound file. You could use TTS here as well. **/
console_log("notice", "Playing dbivrmenu Main Menu sound file . . .\n");
session.streamFile("/soundfiles/conf-getconfno.wav", "");

while(session.ready()) {
dtmf.digits = "";
console_log("notice", "collecting dtmf digits . . .\n");

while (dtmf.digits.length < 6 && session.ready()) {
session.collectInput(mycb, dtmf, 5000);

/** when we timeout from above, we check replay value and play appropriate prompts **/
if ((!dtmf.digits) && (replay < 4)) {
console_log("notice", "Replay # " + replay + "\n");
session.streamFile("/soundfiles/conf-invalidpin.wav", "");
session.streamFile("/soundfiles/conf-getconfno.wav", "");
replay++; // increment our replay value; we don't want to replay our prompts too many times!
} else if (replay >= 4) {
/** Caller does not understand the prompts or your DB data is wrong; either way we've had enough, let's push'em off the line **/
session.streamFile("/soundfiles/we-dont-have-tech-support.wav", "");

if(dtmf.digits) {
console_log("notice", "Got Some Digits . . .\n");

route = get_route(dtmf.digits);
if (!route) {
console_log("notice", "Invalid Option . . .\n");
session.streamFile("/soundfiles/conf-invalidpin.wav", "");
session.streamFile("/soundfiles/conf-getconfno.wav", "");
} else {
console_log("notice", "Found Valid Option . . .\n");
session.streamFile("/soundfiles/pls-wait-connect-call.wav", "");

/** initiate the transfer application and send to the extension in route; again, you could extend this **/

var confroom = route + "@default";

console_log("notice", "ConfRoom: [" + confroom +"]\n");
console_log("notice", line);


session.execute("conference", route + "@default");

session.streamFile("/soundfiles/conf-getconfno.wav", "");
dtmf.digits = "";
