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JavaScript Example - Say IVR Menu


Uses "sayphrase" to speak IVR menu and collect a single DTMF digit.

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To use the "say" TTS feature of FreeSWITCH™ you must load the Speech Phrase Management module for the appropriate language. By default, the English module is uncommented in conf/autoload_configs/modules.conf.xml

<load module="mod_say_en"/>

IVR Menu Code

IVR menu code example

ivrmenu.js - Simple IVR Menu
JavaScript Application for FreeSwitch::mod_spidermonkey.
by Michael Murdock

This file includes work ripped off from other JavaScript apps created by pist and anthm @ #freeswitch.

Install: copy this file to your <freeswitch dir>/scripts/
Add the following section to your default_dialplan.conf.xml around the extension 1000 section.
<extension name="1200">
<condition field="destination_number" expression="^1200$">
<action application="javascript" data="ivrmenu.js"/>
Dial 1200 from your sip phone and voila! Ofcourse you can match for inbound DID/DNIS, and run this app.

Disclaimer: Use at your own risk. No implied warranties or help if/when stuff blows up.

var dtmf_digits = "";

function on_dtmf(session, type, digits, arg)
console_log("digit: " + digits.digit + "\n");
dtmf_digits += digits.digit;


/* Speaks a menu and waits for a single digit press. If the user does not enter a selection */
/* then the menu is repeated up to 3 times. */
function sayivrmenu(ivrsession, menuname, validdigits, timeout) {
var repeat = 0;

console_log("sayivrmenu: menu=[" + menuname + "] validdigits=[" + validdigits + "]\n");

dtmf_digits = "";

while (ivrsession.ready() && dtmf_digits == "" && repeat < 3) {
/* play phrase - if digit keyed while playing callback will catch them*/
ivrsession.sayPhrase(menuname, validdigits, "en", on_dtmf, "");

/* if caller still here and has not entered any selection yet - wait for a selection*/
if (ivrsession.ready() && dtmf_digits == "") {
dtmf_digits = ivrsession.getDigits(1, "", timeout);
/* if still no selection repeat menu */
if (dtmf_digits == "") {

var menuselection = "";

/** Let's answer our call **/

/** Play our Main Menu prompt (options 0, 1, 2, 3 and #) **/
menuselection = sayivrmenu(session, "mainmenu", "0123#", 6000);

if (session.ready()) {
session.execute("phrase", "saydigits," + menuselection);

The above script will play the Phrase Macro "mainmenu" below. Depending upon the digits passed to sayivrmenu (0123# in the example) only the specified options will be played.

mainmenu phrases

   <macro name="mainmenu">
<input pattern="0">
<action function="speak-text" data="Press 0 for the Operator."/>

<input pattern="1">
<action function="speak-text" data="Press 1 for Accounting."/>

<input pattern="2">
<action function="speak-text" data="Press 2 for Sales."/>

<input pattern="3">
<action function="speak-text" data="Press 3 for Support."/>

<input pattern="4">
<action function="speak-text" data="Press 4 for The Janitor."/>

<input pattern="5">
<action function="speak-text" data="Press 5 for The Smoking Lounge."/>

<input pattern="6">
<action function="speak-text" data="Press 6 for the men's bathroom."/>

<input pattern="7">
<action function="speak-text" data="Press 7 for the women's powder room."/>

<input pattern="8">
<action function="speak-text" data="Press 8 for no special reason."/>

<input pattern="9">
<action function="speak-text" data="Press 9 for a good time."/>

<input pattern="\*">
<action function="speak-text" data="Press star for good luck."/>

<input pattern="\#">
<action function="speak-text" data="Press pound for psychological counseling."/>

<macro name="saydigits">
<input pattern="(.*)">
<action function="speak-text" data="You pressed $1"/>