Created by Ryan Harris, last modified on 2018.02.07
string If drop_dtmf
is true
, play specified file for every tone received.
Each DTMF tone that is entered into the a-leg will be dropped and the file dtmf_masking_tone
played to the b-leg.
<action application="export" data="drop_dtmf=true"/>
<action application="export" data="drop_dtmf_masking_file=/etc/freeswitch/Sounds/dtmf_masking_tone"/>
To drop and replace DTMF on the b-leg use
<action application="export" data="nolocal:drop_dtmf=true"/>
<action application="export" data="nolocal:drop_dtmf_masking_file=/etc/freeswitch/Sounds/dtmf_masking_tone" />