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    tags string[]

    Document tags.

    Example: ["sports","football","game"]
    document_id uuid

    Unique ID of a Document.

    query_string stringrequired

    Search term.

    Example: Most paid athlete
    distance integer

    Specifies how closely related the query is to the document. Low distance means high relevance and similarity. High distance means low relevance and similarity.

    Possible values: <= 78.3836717690617

    Example: 2
    count integer

    Specifies number of returned Chunks.

    Example: 5
    language string

    Language of the Document.

    Default value: en
    Example: fr
    pos_to_expand string[]

    Part of Speech considered for expansion or analysis.

    Default value: ["NOUN","VERB","ADJ","ADV"]
    Example: ["NOUN","VERB"]
    max_synonyms integer

    Maximum number of synonyms to consider.

    Default value: 10
    Example: 7


The request has succeeded.


  • Array [

  • text stringrequired

    A search result.

    Example: Cristiano Ronaldo is the highest-paid football player in the world in 2024
    document_id uuidrequired

    Unique ID of a Document.

  • ]